Below is a list of PSAAPG publications that have appeared on our price lists over the years. Some of these are still available for purchase from this site, but many are available only on our DVD #6, which can be purchased at the bargain price of $145.00. A table of contents for this DVD can be viewed by clicking here. Many of these publications can also be purchased individually from AAPG Datapages, and/or GeoScience World. If you prefer to make your order by mail, you can download our current mailorder pricelist by clicking here.
Guidebook Series |
GB 1A | Field Trip Gaviota Pass – Refugio Pass Areas, Santa Barbara County, California | 1947 | DVD #6 |
GB 2A | Field Trip Guide to Ventura and San Miguelito Fields | 1956 | out of print |
GB 2B | Spring Field Trip. Huasana Basin, San Luis Obispo County | 1956 | out of print |
GB 2C | Guidebook, Chico-Martinez Creek Area | 1958 | out of print |
GB 2D | Round Mountain Area Field Trip Guide | 1958 | out of print |
GB 2E | Death Valley to San Fernando | 1951 | out of print |
GB 2F | Road Log San Marcos Pass to Jalama Creek | 1954 | DVD #6 |
GB 2G | Cuyama District Field Trip | 1951 | DVD #6 |
GB 3 | Guide Book 1964 Field Trip Routes – Anchorage to Sutton – Sutton to Caribou Creek | 1964 | out of print |
GB 3A | Spring Field Trip Panoche Hills | 1960 | out of print |
GB 3B | Spring Field Trip. Geology and Paleontology ot the Southern Border of the San Joaquin Valley | 1961 | DVD #6 |
GB 3C | Guidebook to Geology of Carizo Plains and San Andreas Fault | 1962 | DVD #6 |
GB 3D | Spring Field Trip, Devils Canyon Area | 1963 | out of print |
GB 3E | Guidebook to the San Andreas Fault Zone from Temblor Mountains to Antelope Valley, southern California | 1964 | DVD #6 |
GB 4A | Guidebook to Western Santa Ynez Mountains | 1965 | DVD #6 |
GB 4B | Guidebook to Placerita Area | 1965 | DVD #6 |
GB 5 | Geology of Southeastern San Joaquin Valley, California – Kern River to Grapevine Canyon | 1965 | DVD #6 |
GB 6 | title is missing | ||
GB 7 | title is missing | ||
GB 8 | A Tour of the Coastal Oil Fields of Los Angeles Basin in and Adjacent to San Pedro Bay, California | 1966 | out of print |
GB 8A | Spring Field Trip, Santa Susanna Mountains | 1966 | DVD #6 |
GB 9 | Geology of the the Big Mountain Oil Field and Nearby Area, including notes on the trip from Piru to Big Mountain | 1967 | out of print |
GB 10 | Gabilan Range and Adjacent San Andreas Fault | 1967 | DVD #6 |
GB 11 | The Guidebook to the Geology and Oilfields of the Westside San Joaquin Valley | 1967 | DVD #6 |
GB 12 | Geology of the North Channel Islands and Southern California Borderlands | 1969 | DVD #6 |
GB 13 | Geology and Oilfields of Coastal Areas, Ventura and the Los Angeles Basins | 1969 | DVD #6 |
GB 14 | Spring Field Trip, Tehachapi Mountains Crossing of California Aqueduct | 1968 | DVD #6 |
GB 15 | Field Trip Guide to Santa Rosa Island | 1968 | DVD #6 |
GB 16 | Field Trip Guide to the Fillmore Areas (Sespe Creek) | 1969 | DVD #6 |
GB 17 | Guidebook to the Southeastern Rim of the Los Angeles Basin | 1970 | DVD #6 |
GB 18 | Spring Field Trip, Ventura Avenue and San Miguelito Oil FIelds | 1970 | DVD #6 |
GB 19 | Upper Sespe Creek | 1969 | out of print |
GB 20 | Pacific Slope Geology of Northern Baja California and Adjacent Alta California | 1970 | out of print |
GB 21 | Cook Inlet Oil and Gas Fields Guidebook | 1970 | out of print |
GB 22 | Field Trip San Andreas Fault – San Francisco Peninsula | 1971 | DVD #6 |
GB 23 | San Fernando Earthquake Field Trip | 1971 | DVD #6 |
GB 24 | Newport Lagoon to San Clemente – Field Trip Guide Book | 1971 | out of print |
GB 25 | West Side Central San Joaquin Valley Fieldtrip Guidebook | 1972 | DVD #6 |
GB 26 | Central Santa Ynez Mountains Field Guide | 1972 | out of print |
GB 27 | Cretaceous of the Coalinga Area Guidebook | 1972 | out of print |
GB 28 | A Profile of Southern California Geology and Seismicity of Los Angeles Basin | 1973 | DVD #6 |
GB 29 | Metropolitan Oil Fields and their Environmental Impact | 1973 | DVD #6 |
GB 30 | Imperial Valley Regional Geology and Geothermal Exploration | 1973 | DVD #6 |
GB 31 | Santa Barbara Channel Region Revisited | 1973 | DVD #6 |
GB 32 | Miocene Sedimentary Environment and Biofacies, Southeastern L.A. Bay | 1973 | DVD #6 |
GB 33 | Sedimentary Facies Changes in Tertiary Rocks. California Transverse and Southern Coast Ranges | 1973 | DVD #6 |
GB 34 | Field Guide of Traverse of Castaic Ridge Basins | 1973 | DVD #6 |
GB 35 | Guide to Geology and Hydrology, Anchorage Area | 1973 | out of print |
GB 36 | title is missing | ||
GB 37A | Geology of Peninsular California | 1974 | out of print |
GB 37B | Tectonics, Sedimentation and Evolution of the Eel River Basin and Associated Coastal Basins of Northern California | 1974 | GeoScience World |
GB 38 | Paleogene of the Panoche-Cantua Creek Area | 1974 | out of print |
GB 39 | Oilfields of Whittier Fault Zone | 1975 | DVD #6 |
GB 40 | Geology of Torrey Canyon, Oakridge, Santa Susanna and Tapo Ridge Oil Fields, Ventura County | 1976 | DVD #6 |
GB 41 | Pliocene Geology and the Santa Paula Oil Field Areas, Ventura Basin, California | 1976 | DVD #6 |
GB 42 | Late Miocene Geology and New Oil Fields of the San Joaquin Valley | 1977 | DVD #6 |
GB 43 | San Cayetano Fault Field Trip | 1977 | DVD #6 |
GB 44 | Eocene Sedimentation and Paleocurrents, San Nicholas Island | 1978 | out of print |
GB 45 | Castle Steam Field, Great Valley Sequence | 1978 | DVD #6 |
GB 46 | Geologic Guide of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station and Regions of Southern California | 1979 | DVD #6 |
GB 47 | Geology of the Lake Casitas Area, Ventura County, California | 1979 | DVD #6 |
GB 48 | Kern River Oil Field Field Trip | 1980 | DVD #6 |
GB 49 | Geologic Guide, Topanga Group, Central Santa Monica Mountains, California | 1980 | DVD #6 |
GB 50 | Field Guide to the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Convergent Margin of Northern California by S. A. Graham (ed.) | 1981 | AAPG Datapages |
GB 51 | The Franciscan Complex and San Andreas Fault from the Golden Gate to Point Reyes | 1981 | out of print |
GB 52 | Guide to the Monterey Formation in the California Coastal Areas, Ventura to San Luis Obispo by C. M. Issacs (ed.) | 1981 | GeoScience World |
GB 53 | Geologic Guide of the Central Santa Clara Valley, Sespe and Oak Ridge Trend Oilfields, Ventura County, California | 1982 | DVD #6 |
GB 54 | Miocene and Cretaceous Depositional Environments, Northwest Baja California, Mexico by J. Minch and J. Ashby (eds.) | 1984 | GeoScience World |
GB 55 | Guidebook for the San Andreas Fault – Cajon Pass to Wrightwood | 1984 | AAPG Datapages |
GB 56 | Southeast San Joaquin Valley Field Trip, Kern County, California. Part 1 Overview (SJGS) | 1985 | out of print |
GB 57 | Structure and Stratigraphy of the East Side of San Joaquin Valley (South East San Joaquin Valley Field Trip, Part II) by Patricia J. Bell (ed.) |
1986 | DVD #6 |
GB 58 | Geologic Fieldguide to the Long Beach Area | 1987 | DVD #6 |
GB 59 | Guidebook for the San Andreas Fault – Cajon Pass to Palmdale by R. Hester and D. Hallinger (eds.) | 1987 | AAPG Datapages |
GB 60 | Petroleum Geology of Coastal Southern California | 1987 | DVD #6 |
GB 61 | Ventura Basin: Geologic Introduction and Field Trip Guidebook (LABGS) | 1987 | out of print |
GB 62 | Geology of Palos Verdes Peninusla and San Pedro Bay | 1987 | out of print |
GB 63 | Ventura Basin: Geologic Introduction and Field Trip Guidebook (AAPG) | 1988 | DVD #6 |
GB 64 | Santa Barbara and Ventura Basins – Tectonics, Structure and Oilfields along an East-West transect by A Sylvester & G. Brown (eds.) | 1988 | GeoScience World |
GB 65 | Structure, Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Occurrences of the San Joaquin Basin, California | 1990 | DVD #6 |
GB 66 | Geologic Guidebook to Point Reyes by B. J. Bilodeau and S. O. Davis (eds.) | 1990 | AAPG Datapages |
GB 67 | Geology and Tectonics of the Central Coastal Region-San Francisco to Monterey by R. E. Garrison, et al. (eds.) | 1990 | GeoScience World |
GB 68 | Geology Tectonics and the Evolution of Hydrothermal Fluids in the Sierra Nevada of California: Guide to Yosemite and the Motherlode Goldbelt by L. A. Landefeld and G. G. Snow (eds.) | 1990 | GeoScience World |
GB 69 | Geology: Earthquake and Impact | 1989 | out of print |
GB 70 | Field Guide to the Tectonics of the Boundary Between the California Coast Ranges and the Great Valley of California by M. C. Erskine, J. Unruh, W. R. Lettis and J. A. Barton (eds.) | 1992 | GeoScience World |
GB 71 | Field Trip North Coastal California (Field Guide to the Late Cenozoic Subduction Tectonics & Sedimentation of North Coastal California) by G. A. Carver and K. R. Aalto (eds.) | 1992 | GeoScience World |
GB 72 | Field Guide to the Monterey Formation between Santa Barbara and Gaviota, California by J. Scott Hornafius (ed.) | 1994 | GeoScience World |
GB 73 | Field Conference Guidebook and Volume for AAPG National Convention, San Diego, California by P. Abbott & J. Cooper (eds.) | 1996 | AAPG Datapages | GB 74 | Old Fields and New Life: A Visit to the Giants of the Los Angeles Basin by D.D. Clarke, D.D. Otott and C.C. Phillips (eds.) | 1996 | DVD #6 |
GB 75 | Geology of the Midway-Sunset Oil Field and Adjacent Temblor Range by T. Nilsen, A. S. Wylie, Jr., & G. Gregory (eds.) | 1996 | DVD #6 |
GB 75 | Geology of the Midway-Sunset Oil Field and Adjacent Temblor Range by T. Nilsen, A. S. Wylie, Jr., & G. Gregory (eds.) | 1996 | GeoScience World |
GB 76 | Late Cenozoic Fluid Seeps and Tectonics along the San Gregorio Fault Zone in the Monterey Bay Region, California by C. Moore & R. Garrison (eds.) | 1999 | GeoScience World |
GB 77 | Geology and Tectonics of the San Fernando Valley and East Ventura Basin by T. Wright & R. Yeats (eds.) | 2001 | AAPG Datapages |
GB 78 | The Geologic Transition, High Plateaus to Great Basin – A Symposium and Field Guide (The Mackin Volume) | 2001 | DVD #6 |
GB 79 | Deep-Water Sandstone, Submarine Canyon to Basin Plain, Western California (11″ x 17″ spiral-bound color atlas) by D. Lowe | 2004 | GeoScience World |
GB 80 | never issued | ||
GB 81 | Outcrops that change the way we practice Petroleum Geology by R. Behl (ed.) | 2020 | $36.00 |
Miscellaneous Publications Series |
MP 1 | San Andreas Fault Bibliography | 1962 | DVD #6 |
MP 2 | Selected Papers Presented to the San Joaquin Geological Society, Vol. 1: (Late Mesozoic of Sacramento Valley, Upper Cretaceous of Sacramento Valley, Kione Formation, Grimes Gas Field, Upper Miocene Sands of Midway-Sunset) by Stanley E. Karp (ed.) | 1962 | out of print |
MP 3 | Selected Papers Presented to the San Joaquin Geological Society, Vol. 2, (Uppermost Cretaceous Sands of Sacramento and Northern San Joaquin Basins, Lathrop Gas Field, Geology of Northern San Joaquin Valley, Kettleman Hills) by William F. Edmondson (ed.) | 1964 | out of print |
MP 4 | Selected Papers Presented to the San Joaquin Geological Society, Vol. 3, (San Andreas Fault, 29D Monarch and 10-10 Pools of Midway-Sunset, Meganos Gorge, Geology Laws) by Ernie W. Rennie (ed.) | 1965 | out of print |
MP 5 | Pacific Section AAPG Membership Directory | 1964 | out of print |
MP 6 | title is missing | ||
MP 7 | title is missing | ||
MP 8 | A Symposium of Papers Presented at the 40th Pacific Section AAPG Convention | 1965 | DVD #6 |
MP 9 | Directory – Pacific Section AAPG Membership | 1968 | out of print |
MP 10 | Directory Binder | 1968 | out of print |
MP 11 | Proceedings of the North Slope of Alaska Seminar, Palo Alto, California | 1970 | DVD #6 |
MP 12 | Program Abstracts – 1971 Arctic Symposium | 1971 | out of print |
MP 13 | Program Preprints, 1972 Annual Meeting, AAPG, SEPM, Pacific Section (Pacific Coast Geology, Basis for New Exploration) | 1972 | DVD #6 |
MP 14 | Selected Papers Presented to the San Joaquin Geological Society, Vol. 4: (Meganos Gorge, Sherman Island, Sacramento Valley) by H. E. Sugden (ed.) | 1972 | AAPG Datapages |
MP 15 | Miocene Biostratigraphic Symposium | 1972 | out of print |
MP 16 | Turbidite and Deep Water Sedimentation | 1973 | out of print |
MP 17 | Geologic Literature on the the San Joaquin Valley | 1973 | DVD #6 |
MP 18 | Global Tectonics Short Course | 1974 | out of print |
MP 19 | Preprints San Diego Meeting (AAPG-SEPM) | 1974 | out of print |
MP 20 | Contours on Top Miocene, South Los Angeles Basin | 1971 | out of print |
MP 21 | Geologic Map of San Emigdio and West Tehachapi Mountains, Kern County, California | 1973 | out of print |
MP 22 | Current Concepts of Depositional Systems Short Course | 1975 | out of print |
MP 23 | Paleogene Symposium of Pacific Coast | 1975 | out of print |
MP 24 | Geologic History of California Continental Borderland | 1976 | DVD #6 |
MP 25 | Tomorrow’s Oil from Today’s Provinces | 1976 | DVD #6 |
MP 26 | Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic Sedimentation and Tectonics in California (SJGS) | 1977 | out of print |
MP 27 | Energy, Exploration and Politics: Preprints 1978 Annual Meeting AAPG-SEG-SEPM | 1978 | out of print |
MP 28 | Petroleum Exploration, Economics and Risk Evaluation | 1978 | out of print |
MP 29 | Criteria in Correlation: Relevant Principles of Science by R. M. Kleinpell | 1979 | AAPG Datapages |
MP 30 | Selected Papers Presented to the San Joaquin Geological Society, Vol. 5: (Cal Canal, Pacoima, Kettleman City, Sacramento Valley) by John L. Stoops (ed.) | 1979 | out of print |
MP 31 | Ventura Basin Tectonic Map – Ventura Sheet | 1976 | out of print |
MP 32 | Deep Water Oil Sands – Ancient Case Histories, Modern Concepts | 1977 | out of print |
MP 33 | Preprints, 1980 Annual Meeting AAPG-SEPM-SEG, Pacific Section (Challange of the 80’s: Energy) | 1980 | DVD #6 |
MP 34 | Forty Years, The Education of a Geologist by Thomas A. Baldwin | 1982 | AAPG Datapages |
MP 35 | Selected Papers Presented to the San Joaquin Geological Society, Vol. 6: (Yowlumne, East Brentwood, Edison, Lost Hills) by G. W. Kendall and S. C. Kiser (eds.) | 1984 | San Joaquin Geo. Soc. |
MP 36 | 62 Years: History of the Pacific Section AAPG by C. F. Green (ed.) | 1985 | AAPG Datapages |
MP 37A | Organic Geochemistry in Oil Exploration by R. Jones &; R. Phillip | 1987 | AAPG Datapages |
MP 37B | Tectonics, Sedimentation and Evolution of the Eel River and other Coastal Basins of Northern California by H. Schymiczek and R. Suchsland (eds.) | 1987 | AAPG Datapages |
MP 38 | Selected Papers Presented to the San Joaquin Geological Society, Vol. 7: (Tulare Formation, Landslide Oil Field, Stevens Turbidites of Crocker Canyon, Monterey Formation – part 1, Monterey Formation – part 2, Miocene Diagenesis, Domengine Formation, San Joaquin Valley Field Trip Itinerary) by John W. Randall and Robert L. Countryman (eds.) | 1988 | San Joaquin Geo. Soc. |
MP 39 | Environmental Concerns in the Petroleum Industry | 1989 | out of print |
MP 40 | Environmental Field Trip Guidebook (Environmentally Significant Locations in the Kern County Area), 1991 Pacific Section Annual Convention, Bakersfield, California by Richard J. Menzie and Herman B. Schymiczek (eds.) | 1991 | DVD #6 |
MP 41 | Structural Geological Sacramento Basin: Symposium Presented at the 1992 Pacific Section AAPG/SEPM/SEG Annual Convention by V. B. Chevron and W. F. Edmondson (eds.) | 1992 | GeoScience World |
MP 42 | Symposium on the Application of Horizontal Drilling Techniques in California by L.C. Knauer (ed.) | 1992 | DVD #6 |
MP 43 | Geology of the Northern San Joaquin Basin Gas Province by F.B. Cressy & M.L. Simmons (eds.) | 1997 | GeoScience World |
MP 44 | Systematic Technique for Describing and Quantifying Fractures in Coreby by D. Lockman, r. George & M. Hayes (eds.) | 1997 | DVD #6 |
MP 45 | Contributions to the Geology of the Northern Channel Islands, Southern California by P.W. Weigand (ed) | 1998 | GeoScience World |
MP 46 | Structure and Petroleum Geology of the Santa Barbara Channel, California by T. Hopps, D. Kunitomi & J. Galloway (eds) | 1998 | GeoScience World |
MP 47 | Stratigraphic Architecture of a Sand-Rich, Deep-Sea Depositional System: The Stevens Sandstone, San Joaquin Basin, California (12″ x 18″ spiral-bound color atlas) by M. A. Lamb, K. S. Kai, & S. A. Graham (eds.) | 2003 | GeoScience World |
MP 48 | Contributions to the Geology of the San Joaquin Basin, California by L. C. Knauer & A. Britton (eds.) | 2009 | GeoScience World |
MP 49 | Tertiary Sequences of the Central San Joaquin Basin, California: Age Control and Eustatic Versus Tectonic Controlling Factors (Color Poster 36″ X 40″) by C.L. Johnson, R. B. Bloch & S. A. Graham | 2005 | $20.00 |
MP 50 | Reflections on the San Andreas & San Gabriel Faults—Striking Contradictions to Large Lateral Offsets by R. H. Paschall & H. Walrond, 112 p. | 2007 | GeoScience World |
MP 51 | Middle Tertiary Sequence Stratigraphy, Southern San Joaquin Basin, California (11″ x 24″ spiral-bound color atlas originally published in-house in 1989 by ARCO) by Hewlett, J.S., Phillips, S., Bazeley, W.J.M. | 2015 | GeoScience World |
MP 51 | Middle Tertiary Sequence Stratigraphy, Southern San Joaquin Basin, California (11″ x 24″ spiral-bound color atlas originally published in-house in 1989 by ARCO) by Hewlett, J.S., Phillips, S., Bazeley, W.J.M. | 2015 | $85.00 |
Random Publications |
Guide to the Geology and Oil Fields of the Los Angeles and Ventura Regions | 1958 | DVD #6 | |
Salinas Valley: Production, Stratigraphy, Structure and the San Andreas Fault | 1963 | DVD #6 | |
Pliocene Seaknoll, South Mountain, Ventura Co., California | 1967 | DVD #6 | |
Steam Injection, Wilmington Field, Los Angeles Area, California | 1967 | DVD #6 | |
North-Central Los Angeles Basin and Whittier Oil Field | 1967 | DVD #6 | |
Central Santa Monica Mountains, Stratigraphy and Structure | 1967 | DVD #6 | |
Santa Catalina Island | 1967 | DVD #6 | |
Los Coronados Islands, Mexico | 1967 | DVD #6 | |
Guidebook to Geology and Oilfields West Side Southern San Joaquin Valley by Stanley E. Karp (ed.) | 1968 | AAPG Datapages | |
1-1 | Selected Papers of the Pacific Section Annual Meeting, Sacramento, California by R. L. Hester and D. E. Hallinger (eds.) | 1983 | AAPG Datapages |
SV-1 | Paleogene Submarine Canyons of the Sacramento Valley: AAPG by A. A. Almgren and P. D. Hacker (eds.) | 1984 | GeoScience World |
1-2 | Tales from the Rig Floor by Tom Baldwin | 1987 | AAPG Datapages |
1-3 | Groundwater Geology of the Wine Country, Carpinteria and Santa Ynez Valley Region, Santa Barbara County, California | 1994 | DVD #6 |
1-5 | Depositional Environments, Structure, and Tectonics of the Western Transverse Ranges, Ventura County, California | 1996 | DVD #6 |
1-4 | Neotectonics and Associated Sedimentation, Ventura Basin, California | 1997 | DVD #6 |
1-7 | Roadside Geology and Biology of Baja California, Field Trip Guidebook (First Edition) by J. Minch, E. Minch & J. Minch (eds.) Second Edition (2017) available from John Minch Baja Books |
1998 | out of print |
XX | Collected Works of Senteur de Boue (in progress) | |
CDs and DVDs |
CD/DVD #1 | Collection of Papers about the Oil, Gas and Source Rock Geochemical Investigations carried out in the San Joaquin, Santa Maria, Santa Barbara, Ventura and Los Angeles Basins, California by Kaplan | 2000 | $40.00 |
CD/DVD #2 | never issued | ||
CD/DVD #3 | Neotectonics and Coastal Instability: Orange and Northern San Diego Counties, California by M. Legg, G. Kuhn & R. Shlemon (eds.), Combination of new material and reprints assembled for a 2003 field trip at the annual meeting in Long Beach | 2002 | $20.00 |
CD/DVD #4 | Geology of Central California by Ron Crane | 2007 | $35.00 |
CD/DVD #5 | Stanford University Geologic Studies of the San Joaquin Basin, 1980-2010 | 2010 | $50.00 |
CD/DVD #6 | AAPG DVD of scanned PSAAPG publications as pdfs from 1947-2001 | 2017 | $145.00 |
CD/DVD #7 | Advances in the Geology of the Sacramento and Northern San Joaquin Basins since PSAAPG Miscellaneous Publications 41 and 43, Edited by S. A. Reid and Scott T. Hector, Volume 1 |
2021 | $45.00 |