Glenn James Gregory
(1950 – 2020)
It is with the greatest sadness that we report the passing of Glenn Gregory on 12/15/2020 due to covid-19. He will be missed by many.
Glenn was a career geologist much beloved by the close-knit Bakersfield geologic community. He was a gregarious and generous soul, who had an inquiring mind, along with a passion for geology, and a passion for hiking. Glenn seldom missed a talk at the San Joaquin Geological Society, and he will be remembered as the man who always had a question for the speaker at the end of those talks. Also, it was rare not to run into Glenn if there was a geology convention in town, or a field trip to investigate the local rocks. Glenn was a unique personality, who was larger than life, and those of us who had the privilege to know him, will miss his bright eyes, and especially those questions he was famous for. Our local geology meetings and field trips are not going to be the same now that Glenn is gone.
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